Lovex Load Data | (2025)

Lovex is a reloading powder brand of Explosia S.A., a traditional and important Czech producer of blasting explosives. The history of the company goes back to 1920 when the company Czechoslovak Joint-stock Factory for Explosive Materials was founded in Semtín near Pardubice.The company is 100% state-owned, with a significant position on the market of industrial explosives, not only within the Czech Republic and European Union, but also all over the world.Apart from the production of blasting explosives and ammunition, Rxplosia also provide their own comprehensive range of services for drilling and blasting works, especially for opencast mining and quarrying.

Lovex Load Data | (1)

Our Lovex load data covers 19 reloading powders. The Lovex load data consists of overall 0 loads.

Lovex D032

A fast burning, low density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate No. 2. It is excellent in almost all handgun cartridges, especially where clean burning is desirable.

Lovex S020

A fast burning, low density, single base, tubular propellant especially for use in the 9 mm Luger. Also suitable for many other pistol and revolver cartridges.

Lovex D037.1

High density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate No. 7 designed for 9 mm NATO carbine ammunition. Somewhat more specialized in applications than D032 and D036, it is well suited to high intensity cartridges. It is a good choice for .357, .41 and .44 Magnum cartridges, when slightly less than full powder loads are preferred.

Lovex D037.2

High density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate No. 9 is most suitable for .44 Magnum. This propellant gives excellent velocities for the pressures generated and with less flash than other comparable powders. It is intended for use in large capacity handgun cartridges (.357, .41, .44 Magnum and .454 Casull). It is also suitable for some small rifle cartridges (.25-20 Winchester, .30 M1 Carbine) and the .410 shotgun. It is the best with heavier bullets in most calibers. Lovex slowest handgun propellant.

Lovex S040

High density, single base, tubular propellant suitable for .22 Hornet and .30 Carbine cartridges and for other small rifles. Also usable in high capacity handgun cartridges.

Lovex D060

High density, double base, tubular propellant similar to Accurate 5744 designed primarily for .45-70 Government, .45-120 and .50-90 Sharps cartridges and for reduced loads in all caliber rifles.

Lovex D063

High density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate 1680 suitable for 7.62 x 39 cartridge. Also suitable for small capacity cartridges such as the T/CU series, the .222 Remington and the .223 Remington with lighter bullets.

Lovex S053

High density, single base, tubular propellant most suitable for 7.62 x 39 and .22 Hornet cartridges. Also suitable for small capacity cartridges such as the T/CU series, the .222 Remington and the .223 Remington with lighter bullets.

Lovex S060

High density, single base, tubular propellant similar to Accurate 2015. It is extremely flexible, giving excellent performance in many cartridges from .222 Remington to .458 Winchester Mag.

Lovex D073.4

High density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate 2230, which is one of four most popular rifle powders. Designed for .223 Remington (5.56 NATO).

Lovex D073.5

Medium burning, high density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate 2460 is useful in wide variety of cartridges. It is slightly slower than D073.4 and shows a small pressure advantage over D073.4 in bores 7 mm and over. Excellent in .308 Winchester, also suitable for M1 and M14 (M1A) service rifles.

Lovex S062

High density, single base, tubular propellant similar to Accurate 4064 most suitable for 8 x 57 IS, .30-06 and other ball cartridges.

Lovex D073.6

Medium-slow burning, high density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate 2520 gives excellent results in medium capacity cartridges (.308 class) and in certain applications in large bore cartridges. It is the best choice for target shooters using 168 grain bullets in the .308 Winchester. D073.6 has a pressure curve appropriate for use with M1 and M14 (M1A) service rifles.

Lovex S065

High density, single base, tubular propellant most suitable for 7 x 57 cartridge and for other rifles like 7 x 57 R, 7 x 65 R and from 7 x 64 to 8 x 57 IS.

Lovex S070

High density, single base, tubular propellant similar to Accurate 4350 giving excellent performance from .243 Winchester and .270 Winchester cartridges to the largest Magnum cartridges.

Lovex S071

High density, single base, tubular propellant similar to Accurate 3100 giving excellent performance from .3006 Springfield cartridges to the largest Magnum cartridges.

Lovex D100

Medium-slow burning, high density, double base, ball propellant most suitable for .50 Browning cartridge

Lovex S011

A fast burning, low density, single base, tubular propellant most suitable for .38 Special and .45 Auto cartridges. Also applicable for 7.65 Pi, 9 mm Makarov or 9 mm Browning court cartridges. Lovex fastest handgun propellant.

Lovex Load Data | (2025)


Where is Lovex powder made? ›

Our partnership imports propellant from Explosia, of the Czech republic. Explosia has been in business making propellants since the 1920's. They're a long-established company, makers of high quality propellants. Explosia sells several of its propellants in the European reloading market, under the name of “Lovex”.

Who makes Shooters World Powder? ›

Shooters World and LOVEX® propellants are manufactured by Explosia® Company in Pardubice-Semtín, of the Czech Republic. Shooters World propellants are supported with SAAMI reload data. Alternatively, Lovex branded propellants are supported by European CIP reload data.

Is any smokeless powder made in the USA? ›

Modern smokeless powder is produced in the United States by St. Marks Powder, Inc. owned by General Dynamics.

Who makes real black powder? ›

Those who love history and muzzleloading rely on the quality and tradition of Goex, the only American made black powder. Since 1802 Goex has manufactured black powder to the most precise specifications for competitive shooters, recreational shooting, muzzleloading hunters and the U.S. Military.

Which gun powder is best? ›

Many shooters are fans of Hodgdon H4895 and Varget smokeless powder, as well as Accurate 4350 powder. They're fine choices for a large, diverse set of bullets and cartridges. Another popular candidate for best all-around smokeless rifle powder is IMR 4350 smokeless powder.

Who buys the most gun powder? ›

Based on the application, the global gun powder market is divided into military & defense, entertainment, mining, fireworks, construction, sporting, and others. Among these, the military & defense are expected to hold the largest share of the global gun powder market during the forecast period.

Why is there no gun powder available? ›

The Russia/Ukraine war, the Israel/Hamas ground war, rampant global inflation, and yes – sharply increased demand – all contribute to this shortage. While there are dozens and dozens of ammunition manufacturers and brands, there are very few suppliers of the raw materials necessary for manufacturing ammunition.

Is gun powder made in USA? ›

There are perhaps from fifty to one hundred gunpowder mills in the United States. The principal companies are Du PONT's, in Delaware; HAZZARD's, at Enfield, Conn.; LAFLIN, SMITH & BOIES, at Saugerties; the Oriental Gunpowder Company, of Boston, and the Schaghticoke Gunpowder Company, at Schaghticoke.

Where is Hodgdon powder located? ›

Hodgdon Powder Company offices are located at 6430 Vista Drive in Shawnee, Kansas. The Powder magazine, packaging and manufacturing facilities are maintained about 140 miles southwest of the main office, in Herington, Kansas.

Where are Vihtavuori powders made? ›

The Vihtavuori powder factory is located right outside of Jyväskylä in Finland.

Where is magic baking powder made? ›

Magic Baking Powder was first made in Canada in 1897 by the E. W. Gillett Company in Toronto and is now owned by Kraft; a factory in Ontario produces it for the Canadian market. The label Magic Baking Powder is found only in Canada. Though the tin is now plastic, the label has not changed (apart from being metricized).

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