IP cameras and privacy: What you need to know (2024)

Have you ever considered installing an IP camera for added security in your home or workplace? While these cameras can provide peace of mind, it’s important to be aware of the potential privacy concerns that come with them. With the rise of data breaches and unauthorized access, the last thing you want is for your personal information to be compromised. In this article, we’ll explore IP cameras and privacy, and what you need to know in order to protect your personal data. From understanding how IP cameras work to implementing security measures, we’ve got you covered. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive into the world of IP cameras and privacy.

What Are IP Cameras?

IP cameras and privacy: What you need to know (1)
With the rise of smart homes and IoT devices, IP cameras have become increasingly popular for home and business security. These cameras are digital video cameras that connect to the internet, allowing remote viewing and access. They offer advanced features such as motion detection, night vision, and live streaming, making them a convenient and effective security option for many. In this section, we will explore the types of IP cameras and how they function in greater detail. For more information on the benefits of using IP cameras, check out our dedicated article “Why You Should Consider IP Cameras for Your Home or Business“.

How Do They Work?

IP cameras are a type of digital video camera that uses the internet to transmit and receive data. These cameras work by capturing footage and sending it over a network, such as a local area network or the internet, to a connected device or cloud-based storage service. They are often used for security and surveillance purposes and have become increasingly popular in recent years.

IP cameras typically come with built-in software that allows users to remotely access and control the camera from a connected device, such as a smartphone or computer. Some cameras also come with additional features, such as motion detection and night vision, to enhance their surveillance capabilities.

There are two types of IP cameras: wired and wireless. Wired IP cameras require a physical connection to a router or switch, whereas wireless IP cameras use Wi-Fi to connect to a network. While wireless cameras offer more flexibility in terms of placement, wired cameras are typically more secure and reliable.

IP cameras can also be categorized based on their image resolution – that is, how many pixels are in the image. Resolution is measured in terms of horizontal and vertical lines, with higher numbers indicating a higher quality image. When choosing the right IP camera, it’s important to consider the intended use and desired image quality.

IP cameras provide a flexible and convenient way to monitor and record footage for security purposes. However, they also come with certain privacy concerns that users should be aware of. For tips on how to ensure maximum security when installing and using IP cameras, check out our article on IP camera installation tips for maximum security.

Types of IP Cameras

IP cameras come in various shapes and sizes, each tailored to the specific surveillance needs of the user. Here are some of the most common types of IP cameras available in the market today:

  • Dome Cameras: These discreet cameras are the most common type of IP cameras for indoor use. They have a dome-shaped covering and can be mounted on ceilings, making them difficult to spot by intruders.
  • Bullet Cameras: These long and cylindrical IP cameras are typically installed outdoors and can withstand tough weather conditions. They are often used for monitoring perimeters, like the exterior of a property.
  • PTZ Cameras: Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras are motorized IP cameras that can move their lenses in a 360-degree angle, enabling them to capture images from different viewpoints. These cameras are ideal for monitoring large areas.
  • Fisheye Cameras: These IP cameras capture images in a 360-degree view, often eliminating the need for multiple cameras.
  • Wireless Cameras: These cameras connect to the internet wirelessly, making them easy to install and configure. They can be used both indoors and outdoors and are a popular choice for home security systems.
  • Wired Cameras: These IP cameras connect to the internet via an Ethernet cable, making them a more reliable option than wireless cameras, but also more difficult to install.
  • Outdoor Cameras: These cameras are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, making them an excellent choice for monitoring the exterior of a property.
  • Indoor Cameras: These cameras are ideal for monitoring indoor spaces like homes or offices. They can be discreetly mounted on walls or ceilings, and some models come with pan-tilt-zoom features.

Depending on the user’s specific needs, they can choose between wired or wireless, outdoor or indoor, and dome or bullet cameras. Selecting the right IP camera is crucial to achieving effective surveillance that meets individual requirements.

Privacy Concerns with IP Cameras

IP cameras and privacy: What you need to know (2)
The use of IP cameras has become increasingly popular in recent years due to their convenience and ease of use. However, with this convenience comes a growing concern for privacy and security issues. As with any internet-connected device, there is always a risk of unauthorized access, data collection, and third-party sharing. It is essential to understand the potential privacy risks associated with IP cameras to ensure that personal information remains secure. In the following sections, we will explore the privacy concerns associated with IP cameras and provide recommendations for protecting personal information. For more information on choosing the right IP camera for your security needs, check out our guide to choose the right IP camera.

Data Collection and Storage

One of the biggest privacy concerns when it comes to IP cameras is the data collection and storage of your personal information. IP cameras can collect a vast amount of data, including your video footage, browsing history, login details, and even your location. This data can be stored locally on the camera or in the cloud.

To protect your privacy, it’s important to know exactly what data is being collected and how it’s being stored. Some manufacturers may have lax security measures in place, leaving your data vulnerable to hackers or unauthorized third parties.

To minimize the risk of data breaches or other privacy violations, you can take several steps:

  • Regularly review your camera settings and disable any features that you don’t need.
  • Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access to your camera and personal information.
  • Ensure that your camera’s firmware is up to date to prevent any known vulnerabilities.
  • Limit the amount of data that your camera collects and shares. For example, if you don’t need remote access to your camera, disable this feature to prevent any potential data leaks.
  • Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your data and protect your privacy.

By taking these steps, you can help protect yourself from the potential risks associated with data collection and storage on IP cameras.

If you’re interested in learning more about IP cameras, check out our guide to wired vs. wireless IP cameras, our guide to remote viewing with IP cameras, or our guide to securing your smart home IP cameras. You can also read up on the latest developments and trends in IP camera technology in our guide to the future of IP cameras.

Unauthorized Access

One of the biggest concerns with IP cameras and privacy is the risk of unauthorized access to your camera feed. This means that someone who should not have access to your camera footage can view it or even control the camera itself. There are a few ways this can happen, including:

  • Default Passwords: Some IP cameras come with default usernames and passwords, which are often easy to guess or find online. If you do not change these credentials, it can be relatively easy for someone to log in and access your camera footage.
  • Weak Network Security: If your network security is weak, hackers can gain access to your IP camera through your Wi-Fi network. This is particularly concerning if you have multiple cameras or other smart devices on the same network, as a breach of one device can compromise the security of the entire network.
  • Malware: Malware or other viruses can be installed on your device that allows unauthorized access to your camera feed.
  • Phishing: Criminals can use phishing scams to trick you into giving them your camera login credentials or other sensitive information.

The consequences of unauthorized access can be severe. Hackers or other criminals could watch you in your own home, potentially learning sensitive information about you or your family. They could also use your camera as a way to spy on your neighbors or commit other crimes. To protect yourself from unauthorized access, there are a few steps you can take:

  • Change Default Passwords: Make sure to change any default usernames or passwords on your IP camera. Use strong, unique passwords that are difficult to guess.
  • Secure Your Network: Make sure your Wi-Fi network is secure. Use a strong password for your network, and consider using Wi-Fi Protected Access or WPA2 encryption. Also, avoid using public Wi-Fi networks when accessing your camera feed or other sensitive information.
  • Install Antivirus Software: Use antivirus or other security software to protect your device from malware or other viruses.
  • Be Skeptical of Phishing Attempts: Be cautious of emails or messages asking you to click on links or provide personal information. Always verify the authenticity of the sender before responding.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your IP camera and protect your privacy.

Third-Party Sharing

When using an IP camera, it’s important to consider how your personal information might be shared with third parties. Third-party sharing refers to the process of your camera’s data being shared with entities other than you or the manufacturer. This can include advertisers, marketers, or even hackers looking to exploit your personal data.

The Risks of Third-Party Sharing

The risks of third-party sharing are significant. By sharing your camera’s data with outside entities, you may be unintentionally exposing yourself to a range of privacy violations. For example, advertisers may use your camera’s data to target you with personalized advertisem*nts, while hackers may use your camera’s data to gain access to your home network or personal information.

To better understand the risks of third-party sharing, let’s take a look at some of the entities that may be interested in your camera’s data.

Types of Third Parties That May Be Interested in Your Camera’s Data

Type of Third PartyRisk
Advertisers/MarketersYour camera’s data may be used to target you with personalized advertisem*nts, potentially allowing advertisers to gain insight into your habits and behaviors.
Research InstitutionsResearchers may use your camera’s data to conduct studies on topics like consumer behavior or traffic patterns. While this data may be anonymized, it may still expose your personal information in unforeseen ways.
Government Agencies/Law EnforcementIn some cases, government agencies or law enforcement may use your camera’s data to investigate crimes or track suspicious activity. While this is generally legal, it can expose your personal information to government entities without your knowledge or consent.
Hackers/CybercriminalsIf your camera’s data is exposed to hackers or cybercriminals, they may use it to gain access to your personal information, network, or even your physical property.

Protecting Your Camera’s Data from Third-Party Sharing

Protecting your camera’s data from third-party sharing requires a multi-faceted approach. First, it’s important to choose an IP camera that has controls in place to limit data collection and sharing. This may include features like encryption, anonymization, or the ability to disable certain types of data collection.

In addition to choosing a secure IP camera, it’s also important to take steps to secure your home network. This may include using a separate network for your camera, setting strong passwords and network security protocols, and regularly updating your firmware.

Finally, consider using a VPN to further protect your camera’s data from third-party sharing. A VPN encrypts your internet traffic and masks your IP address, making it more difficult for outside entities to track your online behavior.


Third-party sharing is a significant concern for anyone using an IP camera. By understanding the risks of third-party sharing and taking steps to protect your camera’s data, you can ensure that your personal information remains secure while still enjoying the convenience and security of an IP camera.

Location Privacy

One of the privacy concerns related to IP cameras is the issue of location privacy. Since these cameras are typically installed indoors or outdoors, they could potentially capture images of neighboring properties or public areas, leading to concerns about surveillance and invasion of privacy.

Data Collection: IP cameras may collect information about the location of the camera, as well as the location of individuals or objects within the camera’s field of view. This information can be used for a variety of purposes, including improving the accuracy of motion detection and enabling remote access to the camera. However, it can also be used for tracking and monitoring individuals, which raises significant privacy concerns.

Data Sharing: In addition to collecting location data, IP cameras may also share this data with third-party service providers or other cameras on the network. This can be useful for enabling remote viewing and monitoring, but it can also increase the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.

Protecting Your Location Privacy: To protect your location privacy when using IP cameras, it is important to take certain steps, such as:

Masking or blurringMask or blur the camera’s field of view to avoid capturing images of neighboring properties or public areas.
Disable GPSDisable the GPS feature on the camera to prevent it from recording your location.
Limit Data CollectionConfigure the camera to only collect the data that is necessary for its intended purpose, and avoid sharing unnecessary data with third parties.
Secure Your NetworkEnsure that your network and the camera are properly secured with strong passwords and up-to-date firmware to avoid unauthorized access.

Conclusion: Protecting location privacy is an important consideration when using IP cameras. By taking steps to limit data collection and sharing, as well as securing your network, you can help to ensure that your personal information remains private and secure.

Protecting Your Personal Information

IP cameras and privacy: What you need to know (3)
When it comes to the use of IP cameras, privacy is a major concern for many individuals. These devices provide enhanced security measures, but they can also pose a threat to your personal information. It is vital to take the necessary steps to protect your data from unauthorized access or exposure. In this section, we will discuss some ways to safeguard your confidential information and ensure that your IP cameras are not compromising your privacy. Let’s dive in and see what measures you can take to protect your personal data.

Password and Network Security

Protecting your password and network security is crucial when it comes to IP cameras and privacy. Here are some steps you can take to ensure your personal information is secure:

  • Create a strong password:
  • Your password should be unique, complex and at least 12 characters long. Avoid using common phrases or personal information, such as your name or date of birth, as they are easy to guess. Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols to make it more difficult to crack.

  • Change your password regularly:
  • Set a reminder to change your password once every few months. This reduces the risk of someone accessing your camera by guessing your password or using brute-force methods to crack it.

  • Use two-factor authentication:
  • Enabling two-factor authentication adds another layer of security to your account. This means that in addition to your password, you need to provide another piece of information (such as a verification code sent to your phone) to access your account. This makes it much more difficult for unauthorized persons to gain access.

  • Secure your network:
  • Make sure your Wi-Fi network is password protected and encrypted. This prevents anyone from connecting to your network without your authorization. If possible, enable the WPA2 encryption protocol, which is the most secure option available.

By taking these steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your IP camera and protect your personal information. Remember to keep your software and firmware up to date, limit data collection and sharing and disable remote access when not in use to further enhance the security of your IP camera system.

Regular Firmware Updates

Regular firmware updates are a crucial step in ensuring the security of your IP camera. Every software has vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. By updating the firmware on your IP camera, you can fix these vulnerabilities and protect your privacy.

How often should you update your firmware? The frequency of firmware updates can vary by manufacturer, but it is always better to update as soon as a new version is available. Some manufacturers release new firmware updates once a month or every few months, while others may take longer. Always check the manufacturer’s website for updates and follow their instructions carefully.

Why are firmware updates important? Firmware updates typically include fixes for known security vulnerabilities, which could allow unauthorized access to your camera. These updates may also add new features or improve the functionality of your camera. Failure to update your firmware leaves your camera vulnerable to cyberattacks and could compromise your personal information.

What are the risks of not updating firmware? Cybercriminals can exploit outdated firmware to gain unauthorized access to your IP camera. They can then use your camera to spy on you or even gain access to your entire network. This is why it’s important to update your firmware as soon as possible.

To summarize, regular firmware updates play an essential role in keeping your IP camera secure. It’s best to check for new firmware updates regularly and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Failure to update firmware leaves your IP camera vulnerable to cyberattacks, so make sure you stay up-to-date to protect your privacy.

Fixes security vulnerabilitiesMay cause compatibility issues with other devices on the network
Improves functionality and adds new featuresThe update process may take some time and effort
Protects personal informationIf the update goes wrong, it could result in the loss of all data and camera settings

Limiting Data Collection and Sharing

Limiting Data Collection and Sharing:

When it comes to protecting your privacy with IP cameras, it’s important to limit the amount of data that’s being collected and shared. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Disable cloud storage: Many IP cameras offer cloud storage as a feature, allowing you to store your footage remotely. However, this can pose a risk to your privacy. Instead, opt for local storage on a secure device.
  • Turn off unnecessary features: Many IP cameras come with features like motion tracking, facial recognition, and sound detection. While they can be useful, they also collect more data about you and your surroundings. Turn off any features that aren’t necessary for your security needs.
  • Control access: Set up your IP camera to only allow access to trusted devices and users. This will help prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Consider privacy policies: Read the privacy policies of any IP cameras you’re considering to understand how your data will be collected, stored, and shared. Look for cameras with strong privacy protections and clear policies.
  • Don’t use default settings: Change the default usernames and passwords for your IP camera, and avoid using common or easily guessed passwords. This will help prevent unauthorized access to your device and data.

By taking steps to limit the data collected and shared by your IP camera, you can help protect your personal information and privacy. It’s important to be proactive and stay informed about the risks and best practices for protecting your security and data in this digital age.

Disable Remote Access

In order to enhance the privacy and security of your IP camera, it is recommended that you disable remote access. Remote access refers to the capability of accessing the camera from a remote location or through the internet. While this feature may sound convenient, it also poses a risk to your privacy and security.

Why Should You Disable Remote Access?

By disabling remote access, you limit the number of people who can access the camera. This minimizes the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access to your camera, which could lead to invasion of your privacy. Disabling remote access ensures your camera is only accessible through the local network, which is a more secure method.

How to Disable Remote Access?

Disabling remote access may vary depending on the type and brand of your IP camera. However, it is typically done through the camera’s settings. Here is a step-by-step process for disabling remote access on a typical IP camera:

Step 1Open the camera’s web interface by entering its IP address in a web browser.
Step 2Log in to the camera using your username and password.
Step 3Navigate to the camera’s settings.
Step 4Select the option to disable remote access.
Step 5Save the changes and exit the camera’s settings.

When to Use Remote Access?

While disabling remote access is a good security measure, there may be situations where you need to use remote access. For example, if you are away from home and need to check on your house, remote access may be necessary. In such cases, it is important to ensure that your remote access is protected by a strong password and encryption.


Disabling remote access is a simple and effective method of enhancing the privacy and security of your IP camera. By limiting unauthorized access, you can have peace of mind knowing that your camera and personal information are safe. However, if you do need to use remote access, make sure to take necessary precautions to ensure its security.

Using VPNs

When it comes to protecting your data from unauthorized access, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can be an effective solution. By encrypting your internet traffic and hiding your IP address, a VPN can add an extra layer of privacy and security to your IP camera network.

What is a VPN?
A VPN is a secure tunnel between your device and a remote server that encrypts all the data traffic between them. It creates a secure connection over the Internet that allows you to access the internet anonymously and securely. Using a VPN can make your IP camera network secure by hiding your IP address and encrypting your internet traffic.

How Does a VPN Work with IP Cameras?
A VPN works by creating a secure and encrypted connection between your IP camera network and the VPN provider’s server. All the data traffic is routed through this secure tunnel, which prevents any unauthorized access or interception of data. This means that even if someone tries to access your IP camera network, they won’t be able to see your data as it is encrypted.

Benefits of Using a VPN with IP Cameras

There are many benefits of using a VPN with your IP cameras, including:

Enhanced SecurityA VPN adds an extra layer of security to your IP camera network, making it difficult for unauthorized persons to access your cameras.
Anonymity and PrivacyWhen you use a VPN, your IP address is hidden, making it difficult for anyone to trace your online activities.
Remote AccessUsing a VPN, you can access and manage your IP cameras remotely from anywhere in the world.
Geo-Restricted ContentYou can access geo-restricted content by connecting to a server in a different location through the VPN.

Choosing the Right VPN for Your IP Cameras

When choosing a VPN for your IP cameras, you should consider the following factors:

  • The VPN’s privacy policy: Make sure the VPN provider has a strict privacy policy and doesn’t log your online activities.
  • Server locations: The VPN should have servers in the locations you want to access your IP cameras from.
  • Speed: The VPN should have fast servers to ensure smooth streaming of your IP cameras.
  • Compatibility: The VPN should be compatible with the devices running your IP cameras.


Using a VPN with your IP cameras is a powerful way to protect your data and enhance your online privacy. By encrypting your traffic and hiding your IP address, a VPN can help you maintain control over your IP camera network while also adding an extra layer of security against unauthorized access.

IP Camera Regulations

As the use of IP cameras becomes increasingly popular, concerns regarding privacy continue to surface. With the potential risks associated with the collection and storage of personal information, many individuals are questioning the regulations in place to safeguard their privacy. In this section, we will explore the current state of IP camera regulations and consider the future developments that may impact their use in the years to come. Let’s delve into this complex web of privacy and legislation that surrounds IP cameras.

Current Laws and Guidelines

It is important to be aware of the current laws and guidelines surrounding the use of IP cameras to ensure that you are not violating any privacy regulations. Different countries and regions may have different laws, so it is crucial to research what applies to your specific location.

To give you an overview, here are some of the current regulations and guidelines according to different regions:

RegionLaws and Guidelines
United StatesThe Constitution’s Fourth Amendment protects individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures, which means that the government cannot install surveillance cameras in private areas without a warrant. Some states have specific requirements, such as visible signage when cameras are in use and obtaining written consent from employees before installing cameras in the workplace.
European UnionThe General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) outlines strict guidelines for collecting and processing personal data, including video surveillance. Video surveillance must serve a legitimate purpose, such as public safety or crime prevention, and individuals must be informed of the surveillance and their rights. CCTV cameras must also be placed in public areas only and not in private places, such as bathrooms or changing rooms.
AustraliaThe Surveillance Devices Act regulates the use of video surveillance, and businesses must comply with specific requirements, such as providing notice that cameras are in use, limiting the collection and storage of personal data, and obtaining consent before installing cameras in private residences or changing rooms. Private individuals are generally allowed to use CCTV cameras on their own property for security purposes, but there are restrictions on filming public areas or neighboring properties.

It is important to note that these regulations are constantly evolving, and it is essential to stay informed of any changes or updates. You can consult with legal professionals or industry associations to ensure that you are in compliance with the most recent laws and guidelines related to IP cameras and privacy.

Future Developments

As technology constantly evolves, so do privacy regulations and concerns. Future developments in the world of IP cameras will likely lead to even stricter laws and guidelines. Here are some potential future developments to keep an eye on:

  • Increased Encryption Requirements: As more people become aware of the potential risks of using IP cameras, there will be a higher demand for increased security. This may lead to new regulations requiring stronger encryption for IP cameras.
  • Improved Cybersecurity Protocols: With more awareness surrounding hacking and cyber attacks, IP camera manufacturers may respond by implementing more robust cybersecurity protocols to protect their customers’ data.
  • Advanced User Controls: IP camera manufacturers may also offer more advanced controls and customization options to give users greater control over how their personal data is collected and shared.
  • Mandated Privacy Settings: In the future, privacy settings may become mandatory for all IP camera manufacturers. This will help prevent users from accidentally sharing their personal data or having it accessed without their knowledge.
  • Stricter Punishments for Noncompliance: As privacy regulations become more robust, there may be stricter punishments for manufacturers who fail to follow the guidelines. This could include hefty fines or even criminal charges for those who violate user privacy.

The future of IP camera privacy is uncertain, but it’s clear that both consumers and manufacturers will need to adapt to ever-changing regulations and technologies. By staying informed and taking steps to protect your personal information, you can help ensure that your privacy remains secure.


In conclusion, it’s important to be aware of the privacy concerns that come with using IP cameras in your home or business. While these devices can provide valuable security benefits, they also collect and store sensitive personal information.

Taking steps to protect your personal information is crucial. This includes using strong passwords and network security measures, regularly updating firmware, and limiting data collection and sharing.

Additionally, disabling remote access and using virtual private networks (VPNs) can provide an extra layer of security. It’s important to stay up-to-date on current regulations and guidelines regarding IP camera usage, and keep an eye on future developments in this space.

Ultimately, with proper precautions, IP cameras can enhance the safety and security of your property without compromising your privacy. By being mindful of potential risks and taking proactive measures to address them, you can successfully navigate the world of IP cameras and enjoy the benefits they offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an IP camera and how does it differ from analog cameras?

An IP camera is a digital surveillance camera that transmits video footage and audio over the internet. Unlike analog cameras, IP cameras offer higher resolution and the ability to remotely access and manage the camera from anywhere with an internet connection.

Do IP cameras store footage in the cloud?

Some IP cameras offer cloud storage options, but most store footage on a local device or network video recorder (NVR).

Can hackers access my IP camera feed?

It is possible for hackers to access your IP camera feed, especially if you use weak passwords or have outdated firmware. However, there are ways to protect your camera from unauthorized access.

What types of IP cameras are available?

There are multiple types of IP cameras available, including indoor, outdoor, dome, bullet, pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ), and wireless cameras.

Are there any laws or regulations regarding the use of IP cameras?

Yes, there are privacy laws and regulations that must be followed when using IP cameras. It is important to research and comply with your local and national laws.

What is location privacy and how is it affected by IP cameras?

Location privacy refers to the protection of a user’s location data. IP cameras can potentially compromise location privacy if the camera’s location is easily identifiable or if the camera is tracking movement in a certain area without consent.

How can I limit data collection and sharing with my IP camera?

You can limit data collection and sharing by using an IP camera with secure firmware, turning off features that aren’t necessary, and disabling remote access if it is not needed.

What is a VPN and how does it protect my IP camera?

A virtual private network (VPN) is a secure connection that encrypts internet traffic. Using a VPN can protect your IP camera from unauthorized access and data interception.

What should I do if I suspect my IP camera has been hacked?

If you suspect your IP camera has been hacked, you should immediately change your password and update your firmware. You can also contact the camera manufacturer for assistance.

Is it possible to use IP cameras with voice assistants like Amazon Alexa?

Yes, some IP cameras are compatible with Amazon Alexa and other voice assistants. Check with the camera manufacturer for compatibility and setup instructions.


IP cameras and privacy: What you need to know (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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