Broccoli Cheese Quiche Recipe (Gluten and Grain Free) (2024)

Broccoli Cheese Quiche Recipe (Gluten and Grain Free) (1)

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Broccoli Cheese Quiche Recipe (Gluten and Grain Free) (2)

Sometimes you need dinner on the table fast, without much effort.

And, sometimes, it’s perfectly OK to eat breakfast for dinner.

That’s why quiches are so perfect.

This Broccoli Cheese Quichewas a recipe that I whipped up really fast one evening when I needed a quick dinner. I just used what veggies I had on hand, which happened to be broccoli and onions, but you could substitutewhatevervegetables you have. That’s the beauty of quiche – it is extremelyversatileand you can add pretty much whatever ingredients you want in there!

This really is a one pan dish — you have your protein, your veggies, your carbs, all in one nice serving. Minimal effort. Minimal cleanup!

Shout out to my friendSuzanne from Strands of My Lifefor shooting the photo for this recipe!

Broccoli Cheese Quiche Recipe (Gluten and Grain Free) (3)

This really is a one-pan dish — you have your protein, your veggies, your carbs, all in one nice serving. Minimal effort. Minimal cleanup!



  1. Pre-heat your oven to 425.
  2. In a frying pan, sauté the onions, garlic and broccoli in some coconut oil until lightly browned.
  3. Prepare your pie crust - usually you'll want to partially bake the crust before adding the egg mixture.
  4. When your oven is hot, place the empty crust in the oven and bake for 8-10 minutes, or until the crust is lightly brown.
  5. In a separate bowl, combine the eggs, cream, and salt.
  6. Once your pie crust is ready, spoon the onion mixture into the crust and add 1/2 of the cheese.
  7. Pour the egg mixture over that and then top with the other half of the cheese. Feel free to use more or less cheese depending on your tastes.
  8. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the middle of the quiche is almost firm (you want there to be a little jiggle when you move it).
  9. Let the quiche rest for about 10 minutes before serving.

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Nutrition Information:

Yield: 6Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 145Total Fat: 9gSaturated Fat: 5gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 3gCholesterol: 19mgSodium: 110mgCarbohydrates: 14gFiber: 2gSugar: 5gProtein: 4g

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!!! This website provides approximate nutrition information for convenience and as a courtesy only. Nutrition data is gathered from Nutritionix and we often find their calculations to be slightly inaccurate based on the whole food ingredients we use on this site. Nutrition information can vary for a recipe based on many factors. We strive to keep the information as accurate as possible, but make no warranties regarding its accuracy. We encourage readers to make their own calculations based on the actual ingredients used in your recipe, using your preferred nutrition calculator.

Hey AIP Friends! Are You Struggling with Breakfasts?

I can help! I have done the AIP twice, once for 6 months and the next time for about 18 months and now a large number of my readers are also following the autoimmune protocol for their own healing. I have created a number of AIP compliant recipes for this site, and many can easily be modified to fit your AIP lifestyle.

During my time on the AIP I learned a lot, but breakfasts were, by far, the hardest meals for me to plan out. I was an eggs-for-breakfast kind of gal and turns out, I react to eggs so those for sure had to go.What’s a gal to do when she’s had her favorite go-to breakfast taken away?

Get creative!

Which is what I did, along with the help of 25 other amazing AIP bloggers who all used the AIP to help further along their healing. Together, we created the 85 Amazing AIP Breakfasts eBook (one of the very first digital resources of its kind). The book was coordinated and designed by my friend, Eileen of Phoenix Helix website, and it quickly became a favorite resource in the AIP community!


  • A paleo autoimmune protocol cookbook that is aligned with The Paleo Approach
  • A resource for reversing autoimmune disease
  • The work of 26 AIP bloggers who have used the AIP to improve their own health.
  • 85 curated breakfast recipes from the best of the AIP blogs, including 33 completely new recipes never published before!
  • Over half of the recipes can easily be modified for low-FODMAP, GAPS/SCD, low-histamine, and coconut-free diets using the handy substitution charts included in the book.


  • Delicious beverages like Rooibos “Latte”, Vanilla “Cappuccino”, Smoothies, Liver & Kidney Detox drink, and more!
  • Breakfast bowls like Creamy Grain-Free “Porridge”, Roasted Cinnamon Pear “Oatmeal”, Biscuits & Gravy, Cranachan, and more!
  • Breakfast skillets like Sweet Potato Beef Curry, Rabbit Sweet Potato Hash, Bacon & Veggie Fry-Up, Liver & Mushroom Stir-fry, Zucchini Apple Hash, and more!
  • Soups (yes! You can eat soup for breakfast) like Greek Gyro Soup, Carrot Ginger Halibut Soup, Fragrant Herb & Coconut Chicken Soup, Offal (but now awful!) Stew, and more!
  • Patties like Apple Pie Pork Patties, Ginger Green Onion Patties, Perfect Breakfast Sausage, Tuna Cakes with Green Olives, Cranberry Maple Chicken Patties, and more!
  • Pancakes (yum!) like Sweet Potato Banana Pancakes, Spinach Plantain Pancakes, Fig & Citrus Hand Pies, Plantain Waffles, Cinnamon Crumb Cakes, and more!

Regardless of whether you are just starting out on the AIP or you’re already into the program, this cookbook is the perfect addition to your kitchen. Say goodbye to boring breakfasts and hello to deliciousness every morning!Learn more here and download your copy today (it would make a great gift for a loved one too!) by clicking on this link here, or on the image below.

Broccoli Cheese Quiche Recipe (Gluten and Grain Free) (9)

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Broccoli Cheese Quiche Recipe (Gluten and Grain Free) (10)
Broccoli Cheese Quiche Recipe (Gluten and Grain Free) (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.