25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (2024)

If you are just getting started in the pellet grilling world, you’re in good company! The popularity of pellet grills is exploding, and more and more people are getting into the world of bbq and smoking than ever before. This post is going to walk you through the basics, and list the 25 essential recipes you should make as a pellet grill rookie.

25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (1)

The First 25 Cooks on your Pellet Grill

If you want to inch your way towards becoming a bbq beast, a pellet grill is a great way to learn. You get almost all of the benefits of a stick burner but without the hassle of 1. starting a fire 2. maintaining the fire 3. constantly trying to maintain the right temperature.

Ignore the haters

(Who seem to mostly hang out in the smoking/barbecue groups that aren’t pellet-grill focused.)

There are some that call pellet grills the “Easy-Bake Ovens” of the BBQ world, but most of them also have stickers with cartoon characters peeing on things stuck to the back of their truck windows, so I’m okay letting them tend their fires from their throne way up high on the grill-king mountain and making fantastic food with 1/4 of the effort.

I don’t know if they are jealous of all that free time you now have since you aren’t spending it all tending a fire, or if they just need an outlet to vent that “other people like the thing I like” rage, but either way – ignore it.

I loved my Easy-Bake Oven then, and I REALLY love my new, grown-up smokey version now.

(Mostly kidding. I love a LOT of bbq and smoking groups, just ignore any trolling you might get for cooking with pellets.)

Bookmark my PELLET GRILL HUB for easy access!

Getting started

First things first, when you are done putting together your grill – READ THE DIRECTIONS. Yes, even you, “I don’t need instructions” guy. The manufacturer knows what they are talking about in most cases, so read about their burn-in process and actually DO IT.

Learn the fundamentals

When you are getting to know your new grill, it is important to learn some of the fundamentals and cement them in your brain right off the bat. The thing to keep in mind anytime you are cooking with fire is DON’T LET THE FIRE GO OUT OR GO CRAZY.

Rule #1 – Thou Shall Check the Pellet Box Hourly

Things are easier with a pellet grill, but you still have to pay attention. The biggest mistake that newbies make, myself included, is to let the hopper run out of pellets, or have the fire go out because the grill stopped feeding pellets due to funneling (the thing where your pellets disappear and make a hole to nowhere, and the rest of the pellets cling to the side of the pellet box like they are going to be fed into the fire – which, they are).

How do you learn this rule?

Cook some stuff that’s going to take a number of hours. Learn important lessons like, “The hotter you cook, the more fuel you use.” and other things that seem like they’d be common sense, but get missed by a LOT of people when they are getting started.

That’s why cooks #1-5 on the list are all cooks that take between 4-10ish hours. No overnight stuff yet. This is the minor leagues, after all.

25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (2)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (3)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (4)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (5)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (6)
Rule #2 – Thou shalt always cook to TEMPERATURE and never according to time

Just as important as maintaining the fire in the quest for great barbecue is having and USING a good instant-read thermometer. I don’t recommend hitting the bargain bin for this tool, and I also don’t recommend using the one that is probably built into your grill. They are notoriously inaccurate.

My favorite thermometer brand, of all the brands I’ve tried, has been the Thermoworks brand. Their Thermapens, in particular, are top-of-the-line, and my grill game increased substantially when I got a WIFI thermometer with alarms.

The next 5 cooks are going to have you using that thermometer a LOT, and relying on it to tell you when your food is done. Get it. Use it. Love it.

25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (7)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (8)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (9)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (10)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (11)

See all my favorite ThermoWorks tools here!

Rule #3 – Thou shall learn to love the long low-and-slow cook

One of the magic parts of pellet grilling is how you can take some smoke and time and totally transform a piece of meat. The next few recipes are going to be an investment. Not only in time and attention, but also in some cases in $$$ too. But once you have success making these classic recipes, you can parlay them into so many more dishes.

The overnight cook

This is a thing that I usually caution against if your grill is anywhere near your house. While these grills are very safe to use, you are still working with live fire, and ish happens. An uncontrolled fire in your grill that is a foot away from your house would be very very bad. That happening while you are sleeping could be catastrophic.

I do cook overnight occasionally, and my grill is near my house, and here’s how I do it while keeping safety in mind.

  1. I get up every 1 1/2 hours to check, physically
    Yeah, it is a pain, but I set my timer on my phone every 90 minutes and I check pellets and make sure nothing is going crazy. I guess getting 7 kinds through their baby years trained me for this. It isn’t something I do regularly because I really love my sleep, but I can do it and still function the next day if I need to, so #winning.
  2. I use a wireless thermometer with a high/low alarm
    This is not optional for me if I’m going to be smoking something for a long time, partially unattended. The high low alarm should alert you if the fire goes out or if it flames up, so you’ve got a layer of protection there on either side of the spectrum.
Alternatives to the overnight cook

When you are doing things like pulled pork or brisket, it is hard to avoid not cooking while you are sleeping. These big cuts of meat can take 12-16 hours, depending on a variety of factors, and if you are trying to serve something for dinner and we figure in resting time, it can be pretty complicated.

There’s also the whole “no two pieces of meat” cook the same, either. Two 12 pound briskets can be “done” at wildly different times, and the same goes for pork butts too. For me, that means I either need to make sure the family is well-fed and VERY patient, as far as when the main event is ready, or if I’m making it for a big party I do it the day before.

Break out the Instant Pot or Slow Cooker

You can also use some tricks like utilizing your pressure cooker for pork and beef roasts (not so much on the brisket, though). One of my favorite tricks for pulled pork is to smoke it for the better part of a day on the pellet grill, and then throw it in the crockpot at bedtime with some beer or hard cider and barbecue sauce. Let it cook on low heat overnight, and in the morning you’re likely going to wake up to a tender, shreddable pork roast. You can shred it and use it for pulled pork sandwiches, pulled pork enchiladas, or some good old-fashioned carnitas.

Share your progress through this list in our Easy Traeger Recipes Facebook group!

25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (12)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (13)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (14)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (15)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (16)
Rule #4 – Thou shant forget about the sides

By now we have taken you through most of the most popular grilling recipes there are. Classics like pulled pork and barbecue beef. Steaks, burgers, wings, tri-tip, prime rib. You’re basically a grill master now.

One of the wonderful things about pellet grills is how versatile they are. You don’t have to stop at main dishes, since you’re basically running a big, outdoor, wood-fired convection oven.

25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (17)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (18)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (19)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (20)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (21)
Rule #5 – Thou shall not neglect the rubs and sauces

Rubs and sauces are a very important part of how your final dishes are going to turn out. You don’t want to rely on them too heavily (they can’t turn a choice cut into a Wagyu steak, unfortunately), but don’t discount how much of an impact they can have.

Whether you whip up your own homemade bbq rubs and barbecue sauces or buy some of your favorites (like my OWYD Everything Rub), the rub and sauce play a huge part in your final result.

To find your favorites, make sure to expand outside of whatever is available in your local grocery store. Independent small businesses selling rubs and sauces are exploding, and some of my favorites are not found anywhere near me at a brick-and-mortar store.

I am a member of the Grill Master’s Club, and have been for over a year now. It is a great way to get your hands on new rubs, sauces, and wood chips (helpful if you have a stick burner smoker or a smoke tube. I don’t, so use them for kindling.)

I also really love rubs and seasoning Spiceology. You can’t go wrong with anything from those companies, and I have a whole cupboard FULL of rubs and spices to prove it.

25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (22)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (23)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (24)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (25)
25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (26)

Become a pellet grill master!

These 25 cooks are going to walk you through all of the fundamentals of smoking.


Pellet grills can run out of pellets or can have pellet "funneling" that causes the fuel to stop making it to the fire, and then the fire can go out. This is a major pain, as not only can it potentially ruin your cook, you also need to go through the startup process again.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (27)

Smoked Tri-Tip Recipe

Total Time 2 hours 15 minutes

This delicious smoked tri-tip recipe is reverse-seared on our pellet grill after being coated with The Spice Guy's Roasted Garlic Blend. Tender, boldly beefy, and simple to cook perfectly.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (28)

Traeger Grilled Chicken

Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes

This chicken lives up to ALLLLLL of the hype. Traeger Grilled Chicken is going to be the best roasted and grilled chicken you've ever had.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (29)

Traeger Smoked Salmon

Total Time 16 hours 10 minutes

Easy and delicious Traeger Smoked Salmon recipe. Homemade taste, fresh flavor, delicious real maple glaze.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (30)

Spicy Korean BBQ Pork Tenderloin

Total Time 3 hours 25 minutes

This tender, spicy, and bold port tenderloin gets its kick from a Spicy Korean BBQ Marinade! Fire up your pellet grill and get grilling!


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (31)

Traeger Smoked and Fried Chicken Wings

Total Time 2 hours 14 minutes

These are the ultimate wing. The best of the best, and will go down in history as my all-time favorite appetizer. Quote me on it. They are SO GOOD. Smoked and Fried wings are my perfect match, and you have to try these at least once in your life, I feel that strongly about them.

Lesson 2 - COOK TO TEMP

A good thermometer is a requirement if you want good bbq. Get one (or a few), use it, love it.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (32)

Sweet Chili Chicken Leg Quarters

These delicious grilled chicken leg quarters are coated in copious amounts of seasoning rub, and then grilled on my wood-pellet grill. Then they get a slathering of sweet chili sauce, and it is ON.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (33)

Traeger Smoked Meatloaf

Delicious Traeger Smoked Meatloaf with the best meatloaf glaze you've ever had. A cool twist on a traditional dish, you'll never want meatloaf any other way again.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (34)

Traeger Grilled Stuffed Burgers

Cheesy stuffed burgers are grilled over wood and topped with more cheese and grilled onions.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (35)

Traeger Grilled Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

This impressive pork tenderloin is butterflied, stuffed with two different kinds of cheeses and fresh spinach, and then wrapped in a bacon weave and cooked on the Traeger grill.


Traeger Prime Rib Roast

Prime Rib on the Traeger is another must try. Like most things cooked on the T, it takes it to the next level. If you've cooked a prime rib roast before, then this will be a breeze.


Low and slow and LONG cooks can be tricky! Master different methods for avoiding the overnight cook, or get your safety measures in place and babysit a brisket overnight. Your choice!


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (37)

Smoked Brisket

My easy smoked brisket recipe is cooked on a Traeger Pellet Grill, and is one of the best meals I've ever had. Simple seasonings and attention to detail make for a piece of meat you won't soon forget.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (38)

Tri Tip Brisket-Style

When you are craving brisket but don't have an extra 12-16 hours on your hands, fire up your pellet grill and break out the ever-versatile tri-tip roast!


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (39)

Traeger Pulled Pork

This Traeger Pulled Pork takes a while to get on the table, but the long cook is mostly hands off, and totally worth it.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (40)

Smoked BBQ Beef Sandwich

This epic smoked bbq beef sandwich is an all-time favorite of ours! Tender, shredded beef, crunchy tangy coleslaw, and your favorite bbq sauce!


Pellet grills aren’t only for meat and mains! You can make a ton of delicious sides on the grill too. Learn how to make some of these and you’ll never have a boring store-bought side again.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (41)

Smoked Loaded Baked Potatoes

These Smoked Loaded Baked Potatoes are cooked right on your pellet grill, and make the best bakers! Fill them with all of the toppings you love, and then find a few new ones too.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (42)

Smoked Potato Stacks with Parmesan Cream Sauce

Thinly sliced potatoes get seasoned, layered, and then smoked on the pellet grill until they are tender and a little crispy on the outside.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (43)

Traeger Loaded Hashbrown Casserole

Homemade cheese sauce gets combined with sour cream, ranch, bacon, and all of the freshly shredded hashbrowns to make a hashbrowns casserole for all occasions.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (44)

Smoked Baby Potato Salad

This simple potato salad takes smoked baby potatoes and combines them with hard-boiled eggs (smoke 'em, if you've got 'em) and a tangy potato salad sauce featuring mayo, mustard, seasonings, and apple cider vinegar.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (45)

Perfect Grilled Asparagus

This asparagus is grilled and amazing. I don't bestow the "perfect" title easily. This one deserves it.


Even the best rubs and sauces can’t turn bad barbecue into good, but BAD rubs and sauces can 100% ruin a perfectly smoked piece of meat. Find your favorites, and use them wisely.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (46)

Poor Man's Burnt Ends

These tender pieces of chuck roast are slow-cooked on the Traeger Pellet Grill over live fire and then get a barbecue sauce bath to finish them off and leave them fork-tender and full of flavor.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (47)

Pellet Grill Mustard Pork Tenderloin

This tender pork tenderloin cooks in a flash and stays super moist when it is cooked on the pellet grill! Serve in a sandwich or on its own.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (48)

Spicy Smoked Pork Ribs

These spicy, tender ribs can be made from either St. Louis ribs, spare ribs, or baby back ribs. They have a spicy rub and a spicy sauce and are a delicious way to enjoy the bold flavor of gochugaru.


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (49)

Grilled Lemon Pepper Lingcod

Fresh lingcod is seasoned with a lemon pepper blend, some flaky salt, and the wood fire flavor from our pellet grill. Simple and delicious!


25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (50)

Traeger Smoked Barbecue Chicken Lollipop

Barbecued Chicken Lollipops are lollipopped, cooked on the pellet grill, and slathered in barbecue sauce. Easy to eat, and a backyard cookout staple.

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Nicole Johnson


Nicole Johnson, a self-taught expert in grilling and outdoor cooking, launched Or Whatever You Do in 2010. Her blog, renowned for its comprehensive and creative outdoor cooking recipes, has garnered a vast audience of millions. Nicole's hands-on experience and passion for grilling shine through her work. Her husband, Jeremiah Johnson, also plays a pivotal role in recipe development, adding his culinary flair to the mix. Together, they form a dynamic duo, offering a rich and varied outdoor cooking experience to their followers.

25 Easy Pellet Grill Recipes for Beginners (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.